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Skills Levels and Ratings

Our club has members ranging from those who just want a spontaneous fun session to those who want to get to the top of the most competitive play possible.   We try to accommodate all these interests.

A rating system ensures players with similar skills are grouped together in club-organized play and tournaments. 

Not everyone needs to be formally rated.  There are several sessions in our play calendars, like those designated "All" play, Open Play, and 2.0-2.5 play, that accept players with no club or tournament rating.  

Why get rated?

For those who would like a little more competitive play, consider these advantages of a formal rating:

  • You can play in more events
  • Ratings enable members of similar skills to play together
  • It builds fun -- what's more thrilling than a close game?
  • It measures your progress
  • It helps you select suitable events
  • It sets up fairer tournaments, ladder play and other competitive play

lt is a requirement for our club that players wishing to play in club-organized events at a 3.0 level or higher have a club rating at that level. 

How to get a club rating - Avenues

SAPC accepts the following avenues of qualifying for a club rating.  SAPC does not accept ratings from other clubs.

1. Canadian Tournament Player Rating (CTPR)

A CTPR can be gained by playing in tournaments sanctioned by Pickleball Canada. Your CTPR can be used to establish a club rating under these conditions:

  • You must have played at least 10 sanctioned games.
  • The last CTPR-recorded game must be within the last 24 months.

Your CTPR is one of the ratings inside the "Pickleball Canada Organization" at

2. IPTPA Certified Rating

The Club will accept ratings, up to the 3.0 level only, as evaluated by an IPTPA Certified Rating Specialist.  Acceptable supporting documentation must be provided to the Club via e-mail to .

3. Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR)

For those who are not familiar with DUPR, please visit the DUPR page on this website. 

A person's DUPR rating is universal. It may be earned while playing in any other club, in self-organized games, in tournaments and leagues, and/or in SAPC DUPR play sessions. Your DUPR rating will be recognized by SAPC regardless of where your DUPR-scored games were played, provided you:

  • have played at least 20 DUPR-recorded games, and
  • have a DUPR Reliability of at least 60.

4. USAPA Tournament Player Rating (UTPR) or World Pickleball Rating (WPR)

Your club accepts your UTPR or WPR rating provided the last games played and counted towards your UPTR or WPR are within the last 24 months of your application to the club and provided you've played at least 10 recorded games toward that rating.

How to get a club rating - Process

Alternative A - for those with no current club rating:

1. Register for and attend a club "Aspiring To" DUPR rating session or attend and play at a DUPR session organized by other clubs and venues. Keep doing so until you have a DUPR reliability of at least 60.

If you play these games through our club:

  • It will take you two sessions (20 games) to achieve a DUPR Reliability of 60. 
  • The club will then automatically give you a club rating, based on your latest DUPR rating, typically within ten days of your 20th DUPR game.

(Note that if you cancel a club rating session with  within 48 hours of session start, or if you are a "no show", you will not be allowed to attend the next three club rating sessions.)

If your DUPR sessions are with another organization, you must apply to, asking to have your latest DUPR rating recognized as an SAPC club rating.

Alternative B - for those with or without a current club rating:

1. Submit a "Club Rating Adjustment" email request to

  • In your email, specify whether you would like a club rating adjustment based on your CTPR, your IPTPA rating, your DUPR rating, your UTPR or your WPR.  
  • If you specify IPTPA, provide evidence of having achieved the 3.0 level.  
  • If you specify DUPR, make sure DUPR has at least 20 games on record for you and you have a DUPR Reliability of at least 60. 
  • If you specify UTPR or WPR, ensure your last game recorded in those events are within the time limits specified above. 
  • If your request is based on a CTPR, UTPR or WPR,  specify whether your mixed doubles, men's doubles or  women's doubles rating should be used as your club rating.

2. Typically within three days, the club will review the request as follows:

  • The club will look up the member's CTPR, DUPR, UTPR or WPR rating and games played, or evaluate the IPTPA certification.
  • The club will adjust the member's consolidated club rating in their member profile, if warranted.

Note that CTPR, DUPR and other ratings are dynamic. They go up or down each game played and can change even if you haven't played in a while.  Your CTPR, DUPR, UTPR, or WPR rating must be above the threshold of the desired club level (e.g. 3.500 DUPR for a 3.5 club level) ON THE DAY/TIME we look it up.

What do I need to get a club rating?

The following ratings can be earned using any of the listed alternatives. Note the time limits specified for each rating type in the previous article on this page.

3.0 Club Rating

  • A CTPR, UTPR or WPR of 3.0 based upon a minimum of 10 sanctioned games
  • A 3.0 Rating as evaluated by an IPTPA Certified Rating Specialist
  • A DUPR rating of at least 3.00 based on at least 20 games, and a DUPR Reliability of at least 60.

3.5 Club Rating

  • A CTPR, UTPR or WPR of 3.5 based upon a minimum of 10 sanctioned games
  • A DUPR rating of at least 3.50 based on at least 20 games, and a DUPR Reliability of at least 60.

4.0, 4.5 or 5.0 Club Rating

  • A CTPR, UTPR or WPR of 4.00, 4.50 or 5.00 based upon a minimum of 10 sanctioned games
  • A DUPR rating of at least 4.00, 4.50 or 5.00 based on at least 20 games, and a DUPR Reliability of at least 60.

Skill Levels

What skills should one have at each level? Here's a chart from Pickleball Canada.

Although the following rating sheets are no longer in use by SAPC, they still provide a great answer to this question.

Click on the link below to view or download a sheet. Practice the skills on each sheet to improve your play and increase your probability of reaching that level.

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