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  1. Set up a DUPR account
  2. Join SAPC on DUPR

Answers to the next two questions will walk you through the easy steps to do both.

  1. Go to, then press Signup; or, from the same DUPR webpage, download the DUPR app to your device, open the app, and press Signup.
  2. At the "Claim Your Account" screen, enter your name and see if you already have a DUPR account; claim it if you do
  3. If you don't have a DUPR account, press Create an Account and fill in the player details
      a. be sure to use the same first and last name and email address as your SAPC membership
      b. verify your email address by following the instructions in the email sent to you by DUPR
  1. Log in to your DUPR account and press the "Play" menu item.
  2. On the Play page, ensure that the button "Clubs" is highlighted, not "Events".
  3. Enter "St. Albert" in the search box.
  4. Select the St. Albert Pickleball Club
  5. On the St. Albert Pickleball Club page, press the "Join Club" button.

  • Once you apply to Join SAPC on DUPR, please wait two days until an administrator verifies that you are a paid-up member of SAPC and manually admits you to the club on DUPR.

We have no preset time when each session will open for registration, and want to avoid the dreaded, automated "midnight" openings. All eligible members will be notified at the same time, via email, one to two weeks before each session. Registration will take place on a first come, first served basis.

No. You will likely get an initial DUPR rating within a day of playing in your first session, but SAPC will not accept a DUPR rating as a club rating until and at least 20 games are recorded in DUPR, and until your DUPR Reliability is at least 60. It may take two or three SAPC DUPR play sessions to get in 20 games. On the Tuesday following your 20th club-entered DUPR game, your DUPR Reliability will likely be 60 or higher, if all 20 games have been played and recorded in the last 4 months. (Note that if you self-enter your own DUPR games, it will take many, many games for your DUPR rating to reach a Reliability of 60.)

See the DUPR page for an explanation of the DUPR Reliability.

See the process on the Skill Levels and Ratings page to have your DUPR rating recognized as a club rating.

No, both are free. Of course, you must already have an SAPC membership via this website before an administrator will admit you to SAPC on DUPR.

  • One sticker if at Alpine Courts
  • Two stickers if at a school
  • Three stickers if at Red Willow Community Church

Stickers must be purchased in advance. None will be sold at the play session. Please do not register for a DUPR session until you have purchased and recieved some stickers. Buy your stickers using our Store under the Members menu.

Yes. SAPC will not lower club ratings unless you specifically ask for a lower rating. This applies even if you have a lower DUPR rating than your current club level, because we are grandfathering (extending) previous club ratings in recognition of the skill level already achieved and used to earn that previous club rating.

We also know that a player's DUPR rating can fluctuate dramatically if that player consistently plays others with higher skills or with lower skills. This means that a player may have a DUPR rating that is, temporarily, skewed too high or too low in relation to that player's actual skill level. This is another reason SAPC will not change your current skill level unless you ask for it. However, SAPC will use DUPR to give you an initial rating if you have none and if you play your 20th DUPR scored game at an SAPC "Aspiring To 3.0" DUPR play event.

  • Not if you don't want a club rating or higher club rating.
  • Not if you want to get a club rating another way, as described on the Skill Levels and Ratings page.
  • Yes, if you want to use a DUPR rating as a basis for a new or higher club rating.
  • Yes, if you want to play in any SAPC DUPR play sessions, perhaps to just find out what your DUPR rating would be, or just because DUPR play sessions have good competitive play.

Yes, but DUPR only accepts scores if all game players have DUPR accounts and if these other players verify the entered score. Please ensure all players agree to have that game’s scores entered into DUPR before the game starts.

No. Club play sessions will not be entered into DUPR unless the session is specifically designated as DUPR play. DUPR games tend to be competitive, like a tournament game, and some members do not want this for regular play.

SAPC offers "Aspiring to 3.0" DUPR rating sessions for those wanting to establish a 2.5 or 3.0 club rating. If your 20th DUPR recorded game is at one of these sessions, our rating coordinators will assign you a club rating. More specifically, if your DUPR rating falls between 3.000 and 3.499, you will earn a 3.0 club rating, and if your DUPR rating is below 3.000 you will earn a 2.5 club rating. (The 2.5 level is the lowest in our club, so you will earn this 2.5 club rating even if your DUPR rating is below 2.500.)

For the 2024 outdoor season, SAPC is offering DUPR play sessions for those with a 3.0 or 3.5 club rating. This play is open to all members with the designated rating, regardless of whether they want to advance their club rating or just play for fun. These are reserved play sessions and will appear on our Reserved Play calendar and our Alpine calendar.

The scheduling of additional DUPR play will depend on member demand, available volunteers, and available court times.

No, in our system all wait lists are session specific.

A match in DUPR may be 1, 2 or 3 games, all played with the same partner and same opponents, on the same day. In SAPC DUPR play, we typically use a round robin format, so each match is only one game.


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