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Member Help FAQ

Would you like some help using our system, making a payment, or using up a credit? You've come to the right place.

Our system accepts Visa, Mastercard and Discover credit cards and Visa Debit cards. Note that the latter must specifically say "VISA Debit" on them. Bank and other debit cards are not accepted by our payment processor.

On the payment screen, ensure that ALL the information entered matches what your credit card company has on file for you. This means:

  • Your name should match what is on your credit card (e.g. John P Smith), not the name you used in your SAPC membership (Jack Smith).
  • If you have just moved and your credit card company doesn't yet have your new address on their files yet, try using your old address for this payment.
  • Insert the phone number your credit card company has on their file and use dashes in the number (e.g. 780-901-5555).

We believe it may also be helpful or necessary to put a space in your postal code (e.g. T8N 1X1).

Your credit can be applied against a future membership renewal, sticker card purchase, rating clinic or other club purchase. Follow this process:

  • When the time comes, initiate a membership renewal, sticker card order or other order, including pressing the "Pay Online" button to get to the credit card payment screen. Once at the credit card payment screen, cancel this order. This will result in you having an unpaid invoice on your file as well as a pending purchase for the item or service being ordered.
  • Go to your Membership Profile and click the Invoices and Payments tab.

If your new purchase value is greater than your credit:

  • On the Invoices and Payments screen, just ahead of your list of invoices, there will be a yellow box showing the net amount due. Verify this net amount is the new item or service purchase price less the credit you had on file.
  • To pay this net amount, press the "Pay Online" button at the bottom of this same yellow box.
  • Fill in your credit card details on the next screen and press the Pay button.

If your new purchase value is less than or equal to your credit:

  • Select or open the invoice to be paid.
  • At some point, you will be given an opportunity to "settle" the purchase against the credit. Press the "Settle" button to use your credit and complete your new purchase.

Email your financial question to the club Treasurer and your systems question to the Website contact. Their email addresses are on the Contacts page.

After following these steps, your photo will appear in your SAPC account and in your membership card:

  1. Add and store (or locate) a photo of yourself on your computer, your device, or in your cloud storage. This can be any location you can access from the same computer/device that you use for the following steps.
  2. Log into your account at
  3. Hover over the head and shoulders icon and pick "View Profile".
  4. Click the Edit Profile button.
  5. In the Avatar field, click the "Choose File" words.
  6. Browse to the folder or location holding your photo and select it. You may have to then press an "Open" or "OK" button to upload that photo to your profile.
  7. Click Save at the top of your profile.
  1. Log into your account at from a computer or device connected to a printer.
  2. Hover over the head and shoulders icon and pick "View Profile". (On some devices you may first have to first tap the small three-bar menu icon to see the head and shoulders and View Profile option.)
  3. Below the picture of your membership card, click "Printable PDF". A file should automatically download to your device.
  4. Open the downloaded file, which is called "MembershipCard.png," and follow the instructions in the file.

The following instructions are specific to an iPhone, but similar steps would be used on other smartphones.

  1. Log into our website from your smartphone.
  2. Tap the three-bar (menu) icon in the top left corner.
  3. Tap the the head and shoulders icon and pick "View Profile".
  4. Scroll down to the membership card.
  5. Below the picture of your membership card, click "Image optimized for smartphones."
  6. When asked "Do you want to download MembershipCard.png?" click "Download."
  7. Open the iPhone "Files" app, browse to your Recent or Downloads folder, and open the downloaded file.
  8. Save it to a location or folder you find convenient for later retrieval and display to a captain.


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