Hello everyone!..the sun is shining and the snow is melting! We are all waiting patiently for the health regulations to change so that we can play pickleball! We are in constant communication with the City as well, and once we know when the courts are be open we will be posting the updates. (see this recent St. Albert Recreation News)
We have so many things to work out! Will it be cohort play or not? Will it only be outdoor play? These questions and all the details will be worked out in time. The one thing we have learned is that the rules can change daily!
We do know that the deficiencies at Alpine courts will be repaired in May and June. Due to this construction, we don't know what the schedule can be for Alpine. We will however make plans so that we can be ready for play!
We have received excellent news about Larose. Later in the summer, the Larose courts will be resurfaced and there will be six “INDIVIDUAL” courts with a “walkway”, and the Pickleball courts will be separated from the tennis courts by a fence. This is wonderful news for Pickleball in the community. The plans look good!
We are also working with the City on suggested arrangements for club access (and scheduling) at the courts. In preparation for outdoor play anyone who wishes to captain please email:
“Venue Manager” (Eileen)
In this email, please state:
-what session you would like to captain
- what level of session
- if you are willing to captain in your cohort
The venue coordinator will follow up with the captains once more information is given by the city in regards to scheduling. (A captain's meeting will also be organized in due time.)
This year has been very different for all of us. I hope you have all stayed healthy. While we have been staying home, the work of the board continues. The facilities task force also has continued to work. Before the shut down we had looked at warehouses to consider our options for possible indoor play. “ Covid “ put an end to that plan but we also learned lots in our search.
Thank you to the board for giving of their time consistently throughout the last months.
We all have learned to do things differently, through necessity. I do know that we are all looking so forward to seeing everyone and playing pickleball again, so until then stay safe everyone, and be healthy!
Live, laugh, love, play pickleball
Eileen McClean
President of SAPC