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May 30th Newsletter

2021-05-30 09:02 | Anonymous

Membership Registration: new process

As previously mentioned, the Pickleball Canada National System (PCNS) will be implemented for most Alberta clubs May 31 to June 7.

Here’s 2 things that will affect the way you register /renew for SAPC club membership.

  1. If you are trying to renew your membership for the period during May 30 to June 6th, you can’t.  Please simply wait. (There’s a blackout on new & renewals during this system conversion time.)
  2. After June 7, you’ll have to perform two steps to join or renew your SAPC membership. (We’ve also put these steps on our SAPC website)


  • JOIN-RENEW with Pickleball Canada (PCO) & Pickleball Alberta (PA) all at once at this special website
  • At this site, you’re going to click the “JOIN-RENEW” button.
  • If you’re newly joining (first timer) “I AM NEW ...” option at the top of the registration form,  and after paying you’re going to get a Pickleball Canada membership #...write that down, you’ll need it for STEP TWO.
  • If you’re simply renewing…select “I am RENEWING ..." option at the top of the form.
  • NOTE: see the date you’re renewed until? It’s changed now to a calendar year (ending Dec 31st) That’s why your club fees are going to be different from the familiar $30-something bucks.



  • Go to the club website.
  • Either:
     - Renew (by logging into your profile and selecting “Renew to 2022-0101”)

     - Or, click the JOIN button (for new members), and enter your new Pickleball Canada membership #.

SAPC Website

This new process is a condition of our affiliation with PCO and as a prerequisite for the insurance provided by them.

We all must keep our PCO and PA membership current (paid up) for the entire period that you’re SAPC members. To avoid a PCO membership lapse, SAPC members must always renew their PCO memberships before renewing their SAPC memberships.


JUNE 9th AGM: Must Register In Advance

Please consider joining the AGM on Zoom on June 9th 7pm.  You’ll need to register.

Check your inbox for the May 19th "Event Announcement" email that was sent with the registration link.


Registrations for this event close at 6:50 pm on June 7 to enable attendance planning and reporting.

Our Annual General Meeting is your chance to ask questions about the club's accomplishments, plans, past spending, and proposed budget, and it is your opportunity to elect members to the Board, the Nominating Committee and more.

This AGM will be a video-conference, so you can attend by sitting in front of your computer.

After registering, read the Registration confirmation email you get. It will tell you when to expect the confidential Zoom link you will need for the meeting.

If you haven't used Zoom on your computer before, see the Guide for Online Participation on the Meetings page under the Club Mgmt menu on the SAPC website. Follow the Guide's instructions for pre-installing Zoom, the video-conferencing software.  

Active Communities Outdoor Recreation Facility Project

We’re also excited as a club to have been collaborating with Active Communities and the project for an Outdoor Recreation Facility. There’s been some good progress recently and we look forward to sharing more as things become official


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