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June 28th Newsletter

2021-06-28 08:06 | Anonymous

Outdoor Play At Alpine Begins July 5th

Our long awaited official and organized return to the courts is most assuredly happening on Monday (next week!) July 5th, as best as we can presume, without delays of which we are aware, and as confirmed from the municipal powers that be! We shall soon stride onto the newly improved, acoustically dampened and thusly transformed, harmoniously -situated, residentially non-confrontational playing space we fondly call “Alpine.” The latest “drive-by” reports from this morning say they look ready now, so- we have a high confidence club play will in fact be the norm next Monday!

Thanks to those that have volunteered as Captains so far. There are many play sessions already organized on our Outdoor Calendar, so- enjoy seeing your eligible rated session play opportunities, and planning your UV exposure accordingly!

The Larose courts are now closed for that resurfacing project. We’re all looking forward to the new, premium experience at those once, challenging dimpled concrete ball-skip n’ spin games. Many of us have shown we’re apparently willing and able to play anywhere (think garages, parking lots, cul-de-sacs, nearby country towns), so, we’re very appreciative of this civic investment that will expand our available, local outdoor play space to the stretches of the north heights!

We also welcome out of town, vacationing visitors to our play sessions. If you have some friends or relatives that are wondering if you can bring them to the courts with you, yes! Afterall, if they took care to pack their PB gear as a necessary element of their stay-cation, they’re very much like a lot of us that prefer not to let days go by without a visit to the courts!

We are also restarting our beginners lessons. So for those who have been enthusiastic in sharing of your luv for this game, to neighbors, friends, flyer delivery folks, shopkeepers and people in traffic with their windows down…there will be opportunities to learn and get started on some basics!

 Upcoming Rating Clinics: Starting July 9th

We are underway with planning some July dates for rating clinics. We’ll be sending out information emails to members when we have finalized when they’re happening, which levels are being offered and how to register. Stay tuned.

 Youth Development

Our club has always been inclusive of discussing plans for developing junior players. Up to this point the focus has been on providing venues, sessions and mentoring for our adult membership. Now however, the momentum of interest from civic leaders, from PB Alberta and from our own membership, has now culminated in a framework for registering and inviting youth alongside adults in selected play sessions.

Don’t fret though, we’re mindful of aging “energy equalities” and the expressed trials of keeping up with even just those dastardly agile 50-somethings, so we want to be organizing sessions where members can welcome the occasional youth player into their 4-some. We’ll be easing into this integration of youth, and you’ll soon be able to see those particular “adults & youth sessions” marked on the Outdoor Calendar.

For all the info and to help answer some of your questions about our program development for youth and the process for registering youth, check out the club website Youth Membership page here, or find it from our SAPC homepage under "Explore Joining."

 Pickleball Canada Membership FAQ Website Page

This website page contains all the useful answers to how this recent, grand, uniting systems project changed the way we register and pay our annual dues. Most pickleball clubs in Canada have adopted and integrated this Pickleball Canada (PCO) system into their own club process for joining & renewing.  See the FAQ page here, or click from our SAPC homepage.

AGM Report

This was conducted in early June, with attending members and your club Board. Our year’s business, finances, elections and bylaws were reported and affirmed. See the AGM Meeting Minutes .



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