Details of harmful cuts from contact with broken metal ties on the acoustic panels have been documented, forwarded and exclaimed to the City with urgency and concern for a solution. It’s an alarming situation. Any incidents of harm to anyone are concerning and highly unfortunate. These metal ties are certainly unforeseen hazards that have developed.
As with any situation or circumstances regarding your choice to play on the courts, please assess your comfort with the risks, even this new gleaming risk, and avoid play if this is concerning to you. There are perhaps also many whose “soaring-eagle- jump-lunge” often puts you into intimate proximity with these ties, so..as with anyone..let’s limit our supreme digs waay away from a chance contact with this green curtain of potential calamity.
More Rating Clinics: July 23rd
For those who are willing, excited and available-there are going to be:
- Two 3.5 clinics
- Two 4.0 clinics
Watch the Rating Calendar for times and registration info.
Round Robins at 6pm: Come EARLY
We are demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity with this follow-up REMINDER to ALL who; a) didn’t read the first memo, b) didn’t understand the memo, c) read, but didn’t remember, d) read, but didn’t take seriously e) had unforeseen, extenuating circumstances..and, for all others with a dog ate my homework ‘reason” for not coming ON TIME.
Please, actually come EARLY (if you can spare the minutes), or at least- ON TIME, promptly at 6pm.
The Captains have been generous and patient in organizing up to 32 possible spaces, but late-arriving bodies troddling in, make for confusion, delays and frustration for the many that are awaiting to begin a lovely RR evening. In the future, you may be left out, and relegated to the public courts to play with that Dad and his pint-sized son (have you seen him?- he's awesome eh!)
Paddle Boxes: Please Leave Alone
These are mysteriously moving around, probably to accommodate off-time groups. Please leave the boxes where they are originally located, sparing the captains a lot of heft n’ hoist prior to session play.
Session Play According to Rating
Reminder for all to print your cards (or have a pic) of your club rating.
Please also attend only the sessions you are rated for.
Note: no rating is required for 2.5, or ALL play session.
Do You Have A Club Credit?
1. If you have a club credit, PLEASE use it the next time you make any type of club purchase. These can be used for renewing your next membership, buying a set of balls, buying a sticker card for indoor play, or paying for your spot in a tournament or rating clinic.
2. How do you use a credit? See the answer in our Finance and Technology FAQ. This is posted under the members menu. Note that the credit won't be automatically applied to your next purchase unless you take the action described in our Finance and Technology FAQ.
3. How can you tell if you have a club credit? Well.... Go your profile, press the "Invoices and payments" tab, and look for the green "Balance $0.00" in the top right corner. A balance of $0.00 means you are all paid up. Any other amount means you have an outstanding amount due or you have a credit.
Pickleball Albert Youth Session: July 12th
See the poster for details of an upcoming instructional session on July 12th at the Pickleball Hub. Contact Brad Hurshowy of Pickleball Alberta for more details, by texting or calling: 780.707.8067