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July 29th Newsletter

2021-07-29 17:54 | Anonymous member

Volunteer Appreciation

What a great summer month so far! There are many that are either headlong into their vacation travels or about to embark..and there has always been a daily club core of players since re-opening. It’s wonderful to enjoy the planned sessions, the clean, outfitted courts and privileges of local play. We salute all the club volunteers for their hours and positive contributions. 

As a club, we don’t solicit for help often (and we gratefully refrain from the highly debatable yet effective wartime measure of conscription), so- we rely on and benefit from all the giving and able members that have been willing to join in the work of Captaining, Equipment, Committees and the functional roles required to run a club!

Here’s a look at our organizational chart. Yes, that’s 30+ functions!.. and some functions have multiple folks (and good hearted spouses that assist for hours counting club balls etc..thank you Mark & Arlene!)

Perhaps you’re reading this as a “pitch” to join in the work, or, it’s a collective call for appreciation to our volunteers. Yes to all. Here’s where you imagine the playful Irish lilt of our President saying  “many hands make light work.” 

Tournament Director: Ken D-man!

We are very pleased to have Ken Dentzien step into the Tournament Director role, and with his proven directorial magic, we are able to consider the grand possibility of a member tournament (in early September).  Thanks Ken!..this can now take shape thanks to you! Many that are participating in the upcoming Mixed Couples Tournament (thanks again Ken!), will no doubt want another chance to make the podium, errr..that broad cement patch near the equipment room where we hoot and clap for the event winners.

Please come forward to help Ken with a supporting cast of Social, Set-Up, Refereeing and Score Running helper bees! Email your interest to Gary Marcellus (SAPC VP).

If there was a poll on “how much you enjoy tournaments”, it’s true there’d be the spectrum of enthusiasm ranging from “please nO!”, ardent medal seeking A- Types. For many, PB tournaments are necessary pathway to rating points and a rite of passage for stress testing their gameplay. For others, it’s an unwelcome tension, and yet- for some emotionally gifted folks it’s somehow still a manageable fun!.. (even despite the formality of the score being declared by someone other than their oft-addled 4some..and, that winning/losing may be forever digitally etched on your player profile!). 

However, when it’s a “club” tournament, people laugh, try hard and laugh some more. They’re fun! So, please keep tuned for details and your opportunity to participate, especially even if it’s a first time experience!

Origins and Glory Stories: Club Historian

A volunteer position of “club historian” would be a fun thing for someone to do! Together with a band of friends even…to gather photos, origin stories and glory moments ongoing. The club is seeking someone to help gather and organize this precious memorabilia. It’s your call as to however you might have to parse the truth from any lengthy (and possibly aggrandizing) recollections of yore from our pioneering players or weekly tall tales from the courts.

Please contact us at with your questions, contributions or interest in this club PB scrapbooking!


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