In this issue:
Tournaments |
Shirt Sales |
Junior Jamboree |
Instructor Certification Program |
Health & Safety Coordinator |
June Fun Tournament
The SAPC website has now been updated with pictures from the Club's June Fun tournament. Please view those pictures here.
July Sanctioned Tournament
Thank you Ken and your team of volunteers for putting on a great tournament last weekend. Thankfully the weather cooperated and everyone had a great time and some members even came away with medals. Thank you to those folks who provided pastry and other food items throughout the tournament, for those who agreed to assist in set up and take down, those who refereed games and those who ran the software and assisted in organizing game play - it takes so much effort to run a tournament like this and all those members who volunteered or played in the tournament did St. Albert proud!
For information on who medaled and to see pictures taken at the event over the course of the three days, please visit the SAPC Facebook Group pages (some of these pictures will eventually be posted on the SAPC website).
Shirt Sales
For those Members who purchased product, thank you for generously supporting the St. Albert Pickleball Club with your recent purchases of shirts and/or balls. You may be interested to know that the Club sold:
- 87 shirts of which 66 are t-shirts and 21 are polo shirts
- 76 sets of pickleball balls of which 49 sets are Franklin outdoor balls, 17 sets of Onix outdoor balls, and 10 sets of Onix indoor balls
Thanks again to Rosemary Pon and her sales team for all of their hard work in organizing shirt and ball sales, arranging for members to pick up their purchases, etc. Your time and effort is very much appreciated!
Junior Jamboree
From: Brenda Feser, Director of Junior Pickleball, Pickleball Alberta
Please be advised of the Junior Jamboree to be hosted on Saturday, August 20th in Red Deer.
The Jamboree Day will look like this:
- Round Robin games (or introduction for those who are new to PB)
- Giveaways throughout the afternoon
Please note that Junior players ages 8-18 of any skill level (including beginners) are welcome to register whether they are a registered member of Pickleball Alberta or not. Interested players should register at . Scroll down to Junior Jamboree and hit the REGISTER button.
Instructor Certification Program
Canada's National Pickleball Instructor Certification Program is returning to Alberta in August! Alberta will once again be hosting two Instructor 1: Introducing Pickleball courses. This is the first step on Pickleball Canada's coach education pathway (details below):
Monday August 15 - Red Deer, Alberta
Location: St. Joseph's High School (2700 67 Street), Red Deer, Alberta
Time: 9am - 5pm (plus 5:15pm - 8:15pm August 9th for virtual training)
Cost: $269+tax
Tuesday August 16 - Cochrane, Alberta
Location: Quigley Park 417 1 Street East, Cochrane, Alberta
Time: 9am - 5pm (plus 5:15pm - 8:15pm on August 10 for virtual training)
Cost: $269+tax
To register for a course please go to and click the white "Pickleball Coach Education" tile. From there it is pretty straightforward to register for either course.
Health & Safety Coordinator
Please be advised that Leslie Macadam has stepped down as the Club's Health & Safety Coordinator. Thanks Leslie for all the hard work that you have put into this role - it has been very much appreciated!
The duties of this role include gathering materials for and preparing the first aid kits and then updating the supplies when needed. First aid supplied must be procured for the kits and the cost of same is reimbursed by the Treasurer. Kits are to be maintained at the indoor venues during winter indoor play and at the Alpine clubhouse during summer outdoor play. This person needs to coordinate with Play Captains and the Equipment Manager, as well as conducting occasional visits to these venues, in order to understand when the safety kits need to be filled/updated. Additional materials may be stored at the Coordinator's home and used for replenishment as required.
If anyone is interest in this now vacant role, please respond to myself at and I will put you in touch with the necessary person or persons to get you started.
Until next time, keep your paddle up!