In this issue:
Indoor Play |
Level 1 Sports |
Thanksgiving |
Indoor Play
As we all prepare for indoor play, the Board feels that it is important to reiterate some recent messaging in order to refresh your memory and to avoid the questions that inevitably arise at this time of year as we transition from outdoor to indoor play. We would even recommend that you print off this Newsletter as reference material that you can refer to as you plan your fall and winter play schedule and prepare to head to your first few indoor sessions.
Membership Cards, Etc.
A reminder to everyone to bring their SAPC membership card to all our sessions and events. The card can be printed or displayed on a member's smartphone and will indicate the member's date of membership and current rating level. This is particularly important for new members and members who have recently achieved a new SAPC rating level. This becomes important for all members come January or February at which time everyone needs to provide proof of their 2023 membership renewal. As noted in previous Newsletters, don't forget to also bring your stickers and a pair of clean, indoor athletic shoes for your indoor play as well. Finally, keep yourself refreshed by bringing a water bottle or two (no other beverages are permitted at our indoor venues).
Did you know that there are calendars which show all play sessions that pertain to each level of play? You will find all of our Calendars on the SAPC website (click here). For example if you are at the 3.5 level, just click on that Calendar (Rated 3.5 Calendar under the heading "Calendar by Rating and Training"), and you will only see the sessions that you are eligible to play in. For new members especially, please note that the school venues are drop in sessions requiring 1 sticker and the Red Willow sessions are for pre-registered play requiring 2 stickers. These Calendars do change from time to time, so it is best practice to verify the date, time and venue of your session before attending by quickly going to the appropriate website Calendar.
Arrive on Time
It is important for members to be at the school venues on time as we are not to disturb the school caretakers by ringing the school bell. Instead, the captain will assign someone to "man the door" at the start of the session. No one will be allowed to enter the school once ten minutes has passed beyond the scheduled start time for each session.
Play Type
Depending on the numbers of members playing at the school venues, the play type may be paddle play or round robin as determined by the play session captain.
No Playing Up or Down
While rating clinics may be scattered through out the winter months, there will continue to be no playing up at any sessions. This is due to the fact that such exceptions are difficult to manage and maintain, especially with limited spaces at each venue.
Furthermore, members should read the "Levels of Play" article on the Play Types page (click here) as "playing down" is no longer available for play designated at a particular level. New members in particular should read the updated "Indoor Play, 2022-23" article on the same page to learn about the venues that are drop in versus reserved play and the cost to play at each venue.
School Venues
Entry to the schools is by the main door. Members will place outdoor shoes just inside the foyer. All other belongings are to brought inside the gym. There is no leaving the school gyms to wander through the schools at any time. Washrooms are accessible within all of the gyms except for Holy Family.
Please note that past Covid-related protocols will no longer be in place. For example, we will not be asking members to be distanced apart . That being said, please feel free to do what you feel is comfortable for you. If you want to mask between games, social distance, etc., you are absolutely encouraged to do so - we are leaving this up to each individual.
Reserved Play at Red Willow
All Red Willow players should note that we are taking advantage of technology to decrease some volunteer/administrative burden. We will now let our systems automatically open reserved play events for registration rather than opening them manually on Friday afternoons.
We found that the manual approach was quite a bit of work and, while some of us seemed to enjoy hovering around the computer or our devices on Friday afternoons to be the first to register, the elimination of that perk now means that Red Willow registered events will generally open the Friday before at 12:00:01 am (in case you're wondering, this is just after midnight at the end of Thursday) Note: We wish our system allowed us to specify a time of registration opening in addition to a day, but it currently does not.
Please note that registration play and attendance is capped at 12 members - 11 members who register and 1 spot for the session captain. Members should not hesitate to go on the waitlist if the session is full; there are often cancellations. If there is a cancellation, the first person on the waiting list will receive an email - please respond quickly so that the open position can be filled if you are no longer interested or available.
You will note that there are a few days where there is All Play as well as play for various rating levels. Please only register for one session per day. If you see that a session is not full the night before the event, then you may feel free to register for another session on that same day - it is only under these circumstances that you would be able to participate in 2 play sessions on the same day.
As noted above for the schools, please be advised that past Covid-related protocols will no longer be in place at Red Willow. For example, we will not be sanitizing after each session nor distancing the chairs. Once again, however, members should fee free to do what they feel is comfortable. If you want to mask between games, social distance, etc., you may certainly do so as we are leaving this up to your personal discretion.
Please help out the captains who are starting the first and last sessions of the day. Kindly, assist in the set up and taking down the nets, putting away the chairs, etc.
You may now enter the Red Willow foyer a few minutes early and wait for your session to begin. This will allow you to remove your shoes and otherwise prepare for your session. However, please stay to the side in the foyer allowing the group that is leaving space to collect their coats/shoes and to easily leave the venue. Do not enter the church gym until everyone in the previous session has left. Members should not leave any valuables in the foyer as the Church and Club will not be responsible for loss nor theft.
No one is permitted to enter Red Willow for the first session until 8:50 am. - this is a strict start time. As such, we ask that if you are registered for the first session of the day that you please be on time in order to help get the session started on time. We will plan on each session having cleared the gym a few minutes before the end time of the session; that will allow the gym to be cleared of players before the next group goes in.
Members may invite guests, but those guests are only allowed to play as visitors twice each indoor season (this is to be based upon the honour system as tracking would be too difficult and cumbersome). The following would apply to members wishing to host a guest:
1. Ask them to ensure that they have not been invited by other SAPC members more than once (as noted above they may only play as a guest twice per indoor season)
2. They are your responsibility so make sure that they follow all of our rules, procedures, safety policies and code of conduct
3. Guests may only be invited to school venues, not registered play sessions
4. Advise the captain that you have invited a guest and indicate as such on the play session paperwork
4. The member is responsible to ensure that the guest has stickers to pay for their session; the rate is double that of SAPC members, so two stickers would apply for each guest
Level 1 Sports Venue
We have raised the registration limit for Series A and B from 24 to 26. It’s always nice having a couple extra players, especially in the event of no-shows. Note: We still recommend that people who are going to be absent try to find a replacement.
Members can arrive at Level 1 Sports 30 minutes earlier than the start time of their session. There may be someone else in the gym at that time so members are asked to wait in the entrance way. If the venue is empty, the captain or captains can start organizing the play.
Please note that the construction outside this venue should be completed within a month. We recognize in the meantime that access to this venue is limited, so please allow time particularly for your first visit.
Given that we are now celebrating Thanksgiving weekend, I believe that it is a good time to reflect on the many things that we should be thankful for. Each of us, of course, have our own list of items in this regard, but here are some that you may share with me:
- This great autumn weather that we have been experiencing that has allowed us to extend our outdoor play season while enjoying the company of our friends as we play a game we love
- The SAPC Board and our President in particular who has secured us many indoor venues allowing us to continue to enjoy pickleball during the cold fall and winter months ahead - great work Eileen!
- The volunteer spirit of our Club and the hard work that is put in by so many:
- the folks who work on our website allowing us to register for play sessions, pay for stickers and memberships, etc. (you know those behind the scenes administrative and accounting types!)
- our tournament and special even teams led by Ken,
- those members who volunteer to train and assist other members
- our indoor and outdoor captains,
- the folks who clean the outdoor courts,
- those who set up and take down the indoor nets
- the list goes on....
Until next time, keep your paddle up!