Board Nominations/Recruiting
As members may or may not be aware, the SAPC Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place in about 3 months on March 8, 2023. Some of what takes place at the AGM is the election of Board members and other key positions. The Board currently consists of the following individuals (incumbents):
President - Eileen McClean
Vice President - James Porter
Secretary - Douwe Spriensma
Treasurer - Ray Keroack
Director at Large, Web Manager - Tamas Virag, Edmonton Resident
Director at Large, Tournaments - Ken Dentzien
Director of Membership and Volunteers - Carol Mah
Director of Communications - Roger Hutlet
A number of the Board positions are up for re-election so interested individuals may apply for these positions as follows:
Treasurer, Secretary and Director at Large (one of the two Director at Large positions) Please Note: The 3 current incumbents have requested that they NOT let their names stand for re-election to these positions.
Non-Board roles that must also be elected at the AGM are:
Ombudsperson Note: this position is currently held by Mike Bowen
Auditor (If the auditor is a certified CPA, only one is needed, otherwise we need two) Note: This position is currently held by Lawrence Taylor
Nominating Committee (3 persons)
If a member is interested in any of these positions, they should first read the Job Descriptions available on the SAPC website which can be accessed from this link.
On the following web page you will find the Ombudsperson job description:
Please note that at our upcoming AGM we also will vote on a motion by Kevin McClean to increase the terms for the Ombudsperson, Auditor and the Nominating Committee to two years and that these terms will be staggered as warranted.
Candidates seeking to put their names forward for one of these positions can contact any member of the nominating committee (see contact details below) with a short bio stating why they would like to be nominated for the position. If more than one candidate applies for a position, a ballot will be held at the AGM.
Nominating Committee members currently include:
Kevin McClean at
Gerry Gartner at
Jenna McCully at
A Nominating Committee report covering the candidates will be sent out to all members with the notice of the AGM in February, 2023.
Guests / Visitors
Members may invite guests, but those guests are only allowed to play as visitors twice each indoor season (this is to be based upon the honour system as tracking would be too difficult and cumbersome). The following would apply to members wishing to host a guest:
1. Ask them to ensure that they have not been invited by other SAPC members more than once (as noted above they may only play as a guest twice per indoor season)
2. They are your responsibility so make sure that they follow all of our rules, procedures, safety policies and code of conduct
3. Guests may only be invited to school venues, not registered play sessions
4. Advise the captain that you have invited a guest and indicate as such on the play session paperwork
4. The member is responsible to ensure that the guest has stickers to pay for their session.
Visitors may show up at non-registered (school) venues and they are entitled to play as a Visitor on 2 occasions before they would be compelled to become a Member of the SAPC. Visitors should report to the Captain and identify themselves as a Visitor such that they would not need to show proof of membership. The Captain will write down their name and indicate their Visitor status on the play sheet for that session while letting them know about the 2 visits only policy (the Captain must also ensure payment before including the Visitor in play for that session - see highlighted note below).
The Guest/Visitor cost to play rate is DOUBLE that of SAPC members, so two (2) stickers would apply for each Guest or Visitor. Since most Visitors in particular would not have stickers, they would need to get/buy them from someone at the venue who is willing to supply same.