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Newsletter Feb 29, 2020

2020-02-27 10:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dear Member - click the newsletter title to read articles on:

 Apr 4-5 Westlock Tournament  Welcome Tara
 Welcome Faye, Gerry, Ron, Douwe, Ken  Thanks Team Members!
 Survey Closing  Welcome Elsi and Karen

Always check the website calendars for the most updated play information. 

April 4-5 Westlock Tournament

Westlock Spring Ahead Pickleball Doubles Tournament

  • Entry deadline: March 20, 2020.
  • Location: Westlock Spirit Center, 9603 - 100 St, Westlock
  • Entry form and more details: see linked pdf form. Submit entry with either pdf or MS Word form

Welcome Tara

Thanks to Tara Tchir for taking on the position of Facebook Coordinator for our club.  Welcome Tara!  Tara also captains some of the play sessions for you at our North Pointe Community Church venue.  

Welcome Faye, Gerry, Ron, Ken and Douwe


Thanks to Faye Hood for taking on the Tournaments Manager role and to Gerry Hood, Ron Parker, Ken Dentzien, and Douwe Spriensma for taking on coordinator leadership roles on our Tournaments Team.  Faye and the rest of the team look forward to using our new system to automate our club's tournament registrations and payments this year.

Welcome Elsi

Thanks to Elsi Lowe for taking on the Goods Sales Coordinator role.  Elsi and her team will be selling T-shirts and balls when warmer weather prevails.

Welcome Karen

Thanks to Karen Korotash for leading the Social Team this year. We look forward to the opportunity to chat, to make friends and to strengthen our connections with existing friends during the lunches arranged by the Social Team at our fun tournaments, and are very grateful for their work on the Volunteer Appreciation events each year. 

Thanks Team Members

And thanks to all the new and returning members of all our teams, including the captains that make up our venue teams and all those holding individual positions with our club.  We have an amazing number of contributors to our club's ongoing operations, and they all do a great job.

Over the next few weeks watch for the names of these team members to appear on our Teams and Committees page or on our future Captains page.  (Note that access to these pages will continue to be for members only, so you need to log in as a member to get to those pages.)

Survey Closing

Club members were issued a survey via email a few weeks ago.  Thanks to those who have already responded.  For the rest of you, the survey closes end of day Sunday March 1.  We will be back to you with the results, but we'll be busy with the analysis for a while.

Until the next time, "Keep your paddle up!"


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