Facilities Task Force Update |
Changes to DUPR Shootout Sessions |
Nominating Committee Update |
Last Minute Calendar Changes |
2025 4.0+ Evening Play at Alpine |
Referee Clinic - 55+ Games/PA |
Prepaid/Registered Sessions |
Rotary Club Tournament |
Club Membership Statistics
Facilities Task Force Update
As many of our members are aware, the Club has a Facilities Task Force (FTF) and the Board feels this may be a good time to provide a brief report to our members regarding this Committee and its work.
Committee Members
Chairperson - John Abrahamson
Others - Eileen McClean (Club President), Douwe Spriensma (Club Director), Jeanine Au (Club Vice President), Mike Bowen and William Yang
1. Work to secure a major outdoor facility to include 20+ courts
2. Work with indoor facility operators to secure additional winter/indoor court times
Strategies adopted to achieve the Mandate
1. Outdoor Court Initiative
- Work with the City of St. Albert and various possible landowners to secure land
- Apply for grants, seek sponsors and support court builders to construct new outdoor courts
2. Indoor Court Initiative
- The Club's Venue Manager has worked with private facility operations to secure cost effective indoor play session opportunities including One Possession, YEG and, most recently, Raise Athletics
Actions, Learnings and Achievements to Date
1. The facilities task team has been working with the City of St. Albert over the years to consider what options the Club has to build a new outdoor facility.
2. Over the last two years the FTF team (including both current and past FTF Committee members) negotiated with the City about the Alpine courts hoping to get access to all 12 courts full time. The demands from the City which included spontaneous play access meant it was not a viable solution for the Club as the cost would have necessitated a major increase in membership fees to offset the costs of refurbishing the courts including sound panels, nets and maintenance along with extra insurance needed to manage the courts.
3. The FTF has met with Recreation and Parks staff to consider all options, but the one drawback is that St. Albert does not currently have land available for the building of outdoor pickleball courts. It should be noted that there are parcels of land being developed, but the planning and development of these lands will only happen in 5 to 10 years.
4. Based on this "no land" perspective from the City, FTF members spent August to November of 2024 identifying and considering roughly 20 locations, involving approximately 60 meetings and conversations with developers, real estate agents, other sports organizations, both school boards, Sturgeon County, environmental consultants, court builders and the City of St. Albert. Despite these exhaustive efforts, none of these locations were determined to be appropriate for further pursuit at this time.
4. The FTF put together a presentation and your Club President presented this to the City in December, 2024 (as noted in a previous Newsletter). One of the most important points of the presentation was the SAPC stating that they would offer $200,000 from the Club's reserve towards a new pickleball outdoor court build. Members should understand that this presentation resulted in an increased level of cooperation from the City in regards to both our Alpine allocation as well as in our pursuit of a 20+ new court facility; meetings will continue with City Recreation, City Planning, etc. to identify a suitable location for our next generation of outdoor pickleball courts.
5. With all of the indoor venues developed in and around St. Albert, the FTF recognizes there is no need to consider building an indoor facility, but, rather, will continue to focus on collaboration with existing private facilities to facilitate cost effective indoor group play for SAPC members.
How will the Club finance and support outdoor court development?
In addition to paying for rental of venues, equipment and balls, tournament expenses, social events, and the administrative requirements of running the Club, SAPC funds must also be set aside for court maintenance and upgrades.
As noted on our website, profits from a membership year, if any, are retained and held as a capital reserve to attract and match future grants and develop future playing facilities. This reserve will almost certainly be required to cover the operating costs including insurance related to the development of a large outdoor play facility which could be financed by a City donation of land and/or funds and a provincial grant (neither party would want to take on the liability of ongoing operational expenses related to such a facility).
Next Steps
The FTF is considering all options including private land that is available, collaborating with any other sports stakeholders/groups to secure land for potential outdoor courts. Members should know that the FTF looked around a lot on their behalf in the last 6 months and will continue to do so. Essentially, the FTF is looking at all land options to pull forward our build and not rely exclusively on City of St. Albert timelines.
A more comprehensive FTF report will be provided at the AGM with an opportunity for members to ask questions of the Committee.
In the meantime, you can help!! If you have any ideas about a location we might consider or you have any questions about the contents of this article, please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here.
2025 Changes to DUPR "Shootout" Sessions at Alpine
Based on feedback from players and a review of participation numbers from 2024, the following changes and updates will occur for the 2025 outdoor DUPR shootout sessions. Please be advised that a member’s Club rating will not change based on these updates. Note: We remind players to contact the rating coordinator if they do wish to have their Club rating updated.
NEW: Registration for DUPR shootout sessions will be based on the player’s DUPR rating versus consolidated club rating.
NEW: Registration for both the Monday and Wednesday sessions will be open to all levels on a first come, first serve basis. Any SAPC DUPR rated player may register for either or both sessions.
NEW: Players will be asked to enter their DUPR rating when registering for a session. This will assist the volunteers with the game day organizing.
NEW: Non-rated DUPR players will not be permitted to play in DUPR shootout sessions, until they have a DUPR rating and a reliability score of at least 60.
NEW: All courts will have 4 players per court. All games during the DUPR shootout sessions will now be played to a minimum of 11 points (win by 1). This will allow for 3 games per round and 3 rounds per session.
NEW: We recommend all club-rated SAPC members create a DUPR account and link it to their SAPC Account. See link to DUPR here. Please be reminded that players need to ensure that their SAPC account profile matches their DUPR profile (both in name spelling, name order and in capitalization).
Note: In order to minimize disruptive "no shows", members who miss two sessions for which they registered will get a notice that they cannot register for future Shootout sessions (for the balance of 2025 outdoor season).
Nominating Committee Update
As members may or may not be aware, the SAPC Annual General Meeting is scheduled to take place on March 11, 2025 (please note this is a revised date from the one previously announced in a call for Agenda items). Some of what takes place at the AGM is the election of Board members.
A number of the Board positions are up for re-election so interested individuals may apply for these positions as follows:
Vice President - Jeanine Au (will stand for re-election )
Director at Large - Douwe Spriensma (will stand for re-election)
Secretary - Jenna McCully (vacant )
Treasurer - Laura Spencer (will stand for re-election)
Due to the resignation of Douwe Spriensma in December, 2024 from the Board position of Vice President, the Board has appointed Jeanine Au to the position of Vice President and Douwe to the position of Director at Large.
Non-Board vacancies:
Auditor - A duly qualified accountant CPA in Alberta who has maintained this accounting designation in good standing (may or may not be a member, so if you know someone....). If you or someone you know are interested but require more information in this regard before expressing their candidacy to the Nominating Committee, please send us an e-mail by clicking here.
Nominating Committee member (three vacancies)
If someone is interested in being a Nominating Committee member, they should first read the Job Description available on the SAPC website which can be accessed from this link.
Candidates seeking to put their names forward for one of these positions can contact either member of the Nominating Committee (see contact details below) with a short bio stating why they would like to be nominated for the position. If more than one candidate applies for a position, a ballot will be held at the AGM.
Nominating Committee members currently include:
Kevin McClean at kmcclean@telus.net
Brenda Regehr at brendaregehr54@gmail.com
A Nominating Committee report covering the candidates will be sent out to all members with the notice of the AGM in February, 2025.
Last Minutes Calendar Changes
Please be advised that members should join our WhatsApp Groups or our Club Facebook group if they wish to be informed when a venue play session is suddenly cancelled. Most times the Calendar can be updated, but sometimes there is not enough time to remove the session from the Calendar so social media is used to keep members informed. To join our social media groups click here.
Update for 2025 4.0+ Evening Play at Alpine
As previously noted, due to lack of court availability, the Club will no longer be offering League play this spring and summer at the Alpine courts. We are open to suggestions (click here), but one option being considered for one evening a week for the 4.0+ player group is structured, pre-registered ladder play for a limited number of registrants (say 80 to 100). If you are interested in being a volunteer or captain to help organize and run these play sessions please let us know by sending an e-mail (once again click here). Ken Dentzien, who has run such sessions before (thanks Ken!) is looking into the use of the Swish application to organize such play, record game scores, etc. We will keep you posted as we progress towards outdoor play.
Can't Make a Prepaid/Registered Session?
Apparently many of you have wondered if it is ok to "sell or gift" a prepaid/registered session to another member. We want you to know that not only is this allowed, it is actually encouraged as it allows the associated play session to proceed as intended rather than "missing" one or more players, thereby potentially creating excess byes and other difficulties for those who do attend those sessions.
Referee Clinic - Alberta 55+ Games/Pickleball Alberta
The Alberta 55+ Games and Pickleball Alberta are jointly sponsoring a Pickleball Referee Clinic in Leduc on March 1st and 2nd. To sign up for the referee clinic you should contact
Richard Walliser - rwnwhome@telus.net
To attend the clinic we are asking that you also volunteer on the Alberta 55+ website to referee at the games to be held August 21 - 24th in Leduc. You can sign up on their website by clicking here.
Between the clinic and the August 21 to 24th Alberta 55+ Games, mentoring and potential accreditation will be provided.
Rotary Club Tournament
The Rotary Club will hold an indoor tournament called "I Love Pickleball" at Raise Athletics on February 15th (Valentine's weekend). This date is quickly approaching so act now!!
Come for the competition, stay for the cause! Whether you're a seasoned pro or new to the game, this tournament is open to all skill levels, with proceeds benefiting local charities. Beginners, advanced and youth are all welcome!
There will be great prizes. This time there will be even more donors and great prizes, gift cards and swag bags!!
Event page: Click here
Event Date: February 15, 2025
Location: Raise Athletics, St. Albert (check out this brand new facility)
Registration is live on Pickleball Brackets; register by clicking here.
Club Membership Statistics
Approximately 60% of our members have renewed their membership for 2025. As you may be aware, many of our members wait to return from snowbirding down south and/or for spring/summer play to begin before renewing. As always, we encourage all members to renew as soon as possible if you haven't done so already - for instructions on how to quickly do so, just click here.
November/24 January/25 (Current) Inc/(Dec)
No Rating 397 178 (219)
2.5 Rating 47 29 (18)
3.0 Rating 160 107 (53)
3.5 Rating 263 192 (71)
4.0 Rating 185 98 (87)
4.5+ Rating 56 21 (35)
Total Members 1108 625 (483)
Until next time keep your paddle up!